Make a one-time or recurring donation to the BEF and help us with our wish lists. When you partner with the BEF, a nonprofit 501(c)3 charitable organization, your generous contribution helps to support academic scholarships, Pool in School, and other youth billiard programs.
Here are the many ways you can help support our organization and its junior players:
Funds made possible by you will help decades of young adults reach their academic and billiard goals.
BEF Scholarships help fulfill the academic dreams of deserving youth who in turn make a positive impact on our sport and our society.
Each year, thousands of young players compete locally to qualify for the BEF Nationals and a chance to represent North America at the WPA World Championships.
The top professionals and instructors of our sport appreciate the importance of supporting BEF youth clinics by sharing their valuable time and knowledge.
The BEF Pool in School program brings billiard education into the classroom with a complete curriculum guide and a director’s manual to ensure quality teaching requirements.